Friday, June 13, 2008

A very fun day with Grammy and Mommy!!!

My mom flew in yesterday and it was so good to see her! Lily and I met her in the airport!!! Grammy was so happy to see us, and she came with a bag full of goodies for Lily!! Such great things!! Thanks so much Grammy! Little Miss has been doing way better than when I posted last!! We are so happy! She is totally back to her sweet, happy baby self!! YEA!!! We went to go get Lily's pictures taken yesterday at the picture people! I had to get her announcements made and sent out!! What an experience!!! My mom and I were totally worn out after the photo shoot!!! It is pretty hard the get a baby to cooperate for pictures... but she did a great job!!! We got the most amazing pictures... she is the sweetest cutest thing!!! When we were finished at the picture place, we walked around the mall and got some Father's Day presents! We came home, and Grammy watched the angel while Eric and I went to dinner!! Thanks Grammy! Today we woke up and Lily was in the best mood!!! We played all morning long, and then got ready for the day! We wanted to go back to the picture place and try one more time with her tutu!!! So back to the picture people we went (for 3 hours!!), and got the cutest pictures!!! My mom and I were acting like the craziest fools trying to get Lily to open her eyes, get in the right position, not cry, etc. We were hysterically laughing the entire time!! So fun!! We picked out the pictures we wanted from yesterday and today and got the pictures right then and there! I won't post the ones from yesterday because they are on the birth announcement, (by the way they came out absolutely adorable!!!) but you can see a few I have posted with her tutu on! After that we went to lunch and then the town center to shop!! Lily was such a great baby!! She already loves to shop!! She is just so sweet and Mommy and Grammy love her so much. When we got home Papa Carr was here, and Daddy was cooking dinner!! We had a great meal.. thanks daddy!! We love you! We had such a fun day!!!! Auntie Linz and Uncle Keith come tomorrow! We can't wait!! I will post more tomorrow, with pics from another adventure! We love you so much sweet pea... we can't believe you are almost one month old!! You are amazing!! Love to all!! XOXO
Shopping at the town center with Mommy and Grammy!!
Grammy loves Lily!

At lunch with Mommy and Grammy.
Tuckered out fairy princess!

Fairy Princess gone mad!!

Trying to talk!!!

I love being on Grammy's shoulder!

I'm all ready to go!!
I'm so cute!!!

Gettin' ready for the day!

So sweet!!!!
I'm so happy!!!

Good Morning!


Cheryl said...

She is so precious, can't believe the love I already have for her. So excited to be spending the weekend with my sweet daughter, son-in-law and baby girl.
