Yesterday, Granna and Pepe came to visit! They brought Lily some really neat books and toys! Lily loved them, Thanks so much Granna and Pepe! They played with Lily all afternoon until Daddy got home!!! They thought she had grown alot!!! Then, they took us to dinner at the Cheescake Factory. That is becoming one of Lily's favorite places to eat!!! She always gets the kids chicken fingers and the Snickers Cheesecake for dessert! He he he!! One day!!! After dinner we did a little shopping!! We all had a great time!!! Thanks for coming to see us Granna and Pepe! We love you!!!
I'm all ready to go guys!!
lily is such a cutie!!!! she is getting so big, can't wait to see her again, looks like she loves spending time with the family... keep up the pics, they're really good, makes me feel like i'm there. love you all, aunt chrissy
Too bad noone loves Lily! Ha! She has sooooo many people that love her and can't get enough of her, she has one visitor after the other. So glad that we as her grandparents don't live to far, it is not next door but we can see her often, she won't forget who we are. Ha! Not this grammy! Ha! Keep being sweet baby girl!
Mom (Grammy)
Christy, I look at Lily's blog at least once a day; usually first thing in the morning; she is getting so big and she is such a little cutie; I wish the 2 cuties could meet? They are after all only a day apart in age! Keep the pictures coming; it does make us all feel so much closer and like we are not missing too much!
Love, Aunt Deidre
It looks like you are having so much fun with all of your vistors! Ian and I are coming over soon - I promise! I was at the outlets yesterday with David's cousin and saw Eric's parents shopping. I was driving by and stared at them very closely - I am sure they thought I was crazy. Anyway, I guess they drove to your house after doing a little shopping for miss Lily!
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