I didn't post anything yesterday because the little miss was not too happy if she wasn't being held 24/7... so i had no time to post!!! We went up to my school to move stuff and we saw Samantha and Marla... Marla held Lily for awhile... she just loved her so much!!! she thought Lily was adorable!!! Lily liked Marla too... she was so comfy in her arms!!! Today we went to visit daddy at work!!! All of the ladies at his work thought Lily was the sweetest thing!!! They were so sweet!!! It was good to see you guys!!! Daddy we love you!!! Now we are just hanging out at home... it is storming really bad right now, so I couldn't post all of the pics... the computer wouldn't let me, but i did get to post a few!! Lily's face has been peeling so bad!! i feel so bad, but the doc said it is normal! I just had to get eucerin lotion an slather it on her... so that is why her face looks greasy!!! We think Lily looks like a little diva in her outfit today!! I will post a ton of pics from this weekend because grammy, papa, auntie linz and uncle keith are coming!!yea!! we cant wait to see you!!! xoxoxo
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
Such a DIVA! She is something else, I tell you there is no other baby cuter. Ha! The outfit and bow are adorable. Can't wait to get there tomorrow, look out Lily Grammy has a whole weekends of hugs and kisses for you! See you tomorrow!
She is so cute. Love the outfit once again. Isn't it so fun to dress up a little girl. I finally ordered some of those bows. Mine should be here by the weekend. Then they will just have to sit until she arrives.
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