My baby turned 1 month old!!! We can't believe she has been in our lives for a whole month! She is doing great!!! She is such a happy baby, and she is so sweet. We went for her 1 month checkup, and the doctor said she was growing perfectly. She weighs 7 pounds 13 ounces and she is 21 inches long!! So she is growing!!! While we waited for the doctor, we played with Lily on the table. We put her on her tummy, and she loves it!! The doctor came in and saw her, and she couldn't believe the control she had with her head and neck! It is so funny to watch her, she just lifts her little head right up. Lily, we love you so much!! You have brought so much joy to our lives! We can't imagine our lives without you!! You amaze us every day! You are our angel baby!!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
What a big little peanut! Ha! She looks so sweet and you can tell daddy is very proud of her. Glad she had a good report from the doctor, keep doing what you are doing, she is amazing and has brought soooo much love to my life since she has been born. Can't wait to see her continue to grow.
I just LOVE naked baby pictures!!!!!:) She is so precious and growing so well. Good for you guys for introducing the bottle to makes a huge difference!!! She was too cute drinking it...she is just too cute period!! I wish I could get my hands on her!!!! Sigh...give her hugs from us!
Love you,
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