This morning Eric put together a great new toy for Lily! Grammy sent her this awesome bouncy seat! We put her in it this morning and she absolutely loved it!!! She just smiled and smiled!!! We have been seeing her smirk here and there, but we think this morning she had her first real smiles!!! Eric and I took out all of her toys and played with her while she bounced around in her cute bouncy seat!! Thanks so much Grammy... and Papa too!!! We love our new seat!!! She was so adorable and she seemed so happy!!! We were so excited to see her smile!!! I tried to get pictures of her smiling, but it was really hard... I got a few though!! Lily, we love to see you smile and we look forward to many more fun times with you!! We love you so much angel!!!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
we luv all the pics, keep em coming, you are doing a great job on the blog.... i really don't see how you find the time but i am glad you do!!! keep up all the hard work....luv ya, Aunt Chrissy
I bet this was really fun! she looks so happy and excited!
She looks cute in her new bouncie chair, hope she likes it.
My kids loved their bouncy seats too and they were lifesavers at times:) Lily has such a beautiful smile...she is just so precious I can't stand it...I know why you just love snuggling with her...she is such a love!!! Give her some hugs and smooches from her Colorado cousins!!
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