Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Another Outing

Lily and I had a great day!!! We woke up and played a little. When we finally got ready and made it out of the house it was around 11. We went and brought Daddy lunch, and Lily got meet a few more of Daddy's Work friends. Then, we went to the school where I teach. We are moving buildings, so I had to do a few things. Samantha went with us to lunch, and we had a great time! Thanks Samantha for toting all of our stuff around! Also, thanks so much to Judy and Samantha for all you did for me when Lily came early!! I couldn't make it to Kindergarten graduation, so Samantha did everything for me!!! She even packed up my whole classroom!!! You are so great!! Thanks so much! Now we are home just hanging out!! Lily was so great today!! She is such an angel baby!!! Tonight we are going to Babies R Us to get a few more things! I hope evryone had a great day!!! Love to all!! I love you Lily!!! Thanks for being such a great baby!!!

Look at those eyes!
I am wide awake!!
Lily was amazed with the fans in the classroom

A little smirk!
Now, that is a smile!!

Ok, Ok, I know this bow is a little to big for now, but I had to try it on for size!!!

I can't wait until these big bows fit my little head!!!


Cheryl said...

What a good girl Lily is, she already is at school helping her mommy! Ha! Samanthahas been a GREAT help, you are fortunate to have her for your friend, she loves Lily already too, she will be a BIG help when school starts.
What a bow head, that bow is as big as her body! Ha! You know I love them though. She is getting to be so alert and cuter by the day, if that is possible. Ha! I knew it wouldn't take you long Christy to be out and about with Lily, can't wait to get there and go, go, go, with you and Lily. Look out Jacksonville. here we come.

Grammy (Mom)

chrissy said...

Love all the pics,she has changed sooo much since we visited last weekend....sooooooo cute. Well i guess LIly has been inducted into the bow-head club, she looks so adorable in them. Chels and I like the one that she is smiling in- just like a little angel!!!!! keep up the pics, we luv em. love to all, Aunt Chrissy and Chelsea

Shannon said...

Love the headbands! She looks so cute. I'm sure had fun on your little outing. It gets easier to get out the door, then you have two, or three. :)

Unknown said...

You are amazing at keeping up this blog!! Give yourself grace if you miss a day or two as taking care of yourself, a newborn, and all the changes that have happened takes energy sweetie. Love seeing all the pictures...she is so adorable and becoming so alert. Isn't it amazing how these little beings change and grow so fast?? God is so good! You are doing great, give her kisses from us!!