Sunday, June 1, 2008

2 weeks old today

Our precious sweet pea is 2 weeks old today!!! We can't believe it! It is amazing to think that just 2 weeks ago, we were a family of 2, and now our lives have changed!!! We have never been happier! Lily, you are so precious to us, and we just can't get enough of you! You are such a miracle, and we thank God every day for you! We go for her 2 week check up tomorrow, so I will post all of the new info! Pray that she has gained some weight... I am sure she has. Our Lily is doing many things, I will post some of her amazing talents tomorrow, and update on all that is Lily!!! We are all so proud of her!!! Happy 2 week birthdday angel!! Daddy and I love you more than you will ever know! (Blogger is not letting me upload pictures right now... so until tomorrow..xoxoxoxoxo)


Cheryl said...

Happy Birthday my pretty princess, Great grandma and I got in the car and it was 12:32, we thought of you being born 2 weeks ago a minute before. That was such an exciting time and it is so neat to see how you have grown over the last 2 weeks. So happy you are here, I love you sooooo much! Can't wait to see you again! I am counting the days! Ha!


NIna said...
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NIna said...

Christy, Eric and Lily,

Congratulations on your new beautiful bundle!She is perfect! We love you and are so happy for you guys! Miss you and cant wait to meet her SOON!

Nina and Brian