I am slacking... I didnt post anything yesterday!!! We really didnt do much yesterday! Lily and I just hung ut at home!! She is growing and changing daily, and I just love looking at her, and playing with her.. Sometimes I dont know what to do with her though! I know she isnt supposed to be doing much, but I feel bad just letting her sleep or swing or just lay there. I try and play with her and all of her toys, she likes doing that, and she likes hanging out in her boppy pillow, and swinging in her swing... but she gets bored with that if we do it for too long!!! I put her on her tummy and watch her move her head from side to side! She can hold it up for a while! I will have to get a picture of her doing that!!! But other than that I just hold her, feed her, and watch her sleep!! So I hope this is ok... I am pretty sure this is all i can do with her right now, I just feel bad!! I hope she is enjoying her little life so far! Today was interesting to say the least... i had a little mishap with the breast pump, and didnt end up going anywhere... i think i am gonna take Lily out for a walk now! We need to get outside! The walls are closing in on us!! Maybe we will go out to dinner tonight... It will be Lily's first time out to dinner wih us! You know I will get pictures of that! Lily is still doing great!! She is getting bigger day by day!! I love you so much baby girl!!! Love to all!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
Hey Christy,
Don't worry, you are doing exactly what every new mom does....plus more and doing them all well! She shouldn't do much more than sleep and eat and poop. Some days just getting out and taking a walk is a major accomplishment......don't beat yourself up. You are doing a great job and she is obviously growing and happy! RELAX and ENJOY!
Hi Mommy
You are doing a GREAT job, babies don't really do a whole lot at Lily's age. Ha! Eat, sleep, poop!
You are wonderful and I am sooooo PROUD of you! Keep up the good job! PS You aren't a super woman and can't breast pump for 1 1/2 hrs, you're crazy, but you are learning. sorry I can't help much with the breast feeding, I didn't do that but I am so glad you are!
Lily is a very lucky little girl!
PS Where are the pics!
Hi Christy,
I am sure you are doing a wonderful job. I remember feeling the same way, like I should be doing more too. But they don't really do much right now, and soon enough she will be so busy. Enjoy her while she is so little, they grow and change so fast.
Hey sweet cousin!! I remember feeling the exact same way. You are doing all that you need to do right now by loving and caring for your sweet baby. They sleep a lot so take advantage of it and make sure you are getting rest too. There will be many times coming up where she'll sleep less and become more engaged in various activities. You are doing great!! Good for you for taking the walk when you felt like the walls were closing in:) Remember your body is still trying to regulate after birth and with breast feeding so continue to be good to yourself...that is one more thing that is best for Miss Lily. I don't know what happened with the breast pump but be assured that these first couple of months of breast feeding and pumping can be challenging. I remember with Allison there were quite a few days where I called the only friend who had breast fed and would ask her to talk me into continuing it as I cried and cried. I was a bit emotional after my pregnancies:) It does get easier, and there will be good days and bad days with it. Hang in there sweetie. Love you!!
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