We are having a good week so far! I hope everyone is is having a good week! Lily is doing great! She is growing and changing every day! It is such a joy to just sit and stare at her watching her make all of her little faces and hear her make all of the little noises! My word, we love her so much!! She has become more alert, and we think we have been seeing some smiles! She is a really good eater, but I started to think she wasn't getting enough! I would feed her like every hour and a half, and I didnt think she was completely satisfied! So I called the ped. to see if it was ok to give her like one formula bottle a day... she said that was totally fine, so today I tried it. Well... let me tell you, she sucked down the entire 4 ounces and loved every minute of it! When she was finished I swear she went into a food coma! She was so very content! It was so cute to watch her drink out of her bottle, she looked like such a big girl!!! I was a little nervous that she wouldn't want to nurse anymore, but after lunch today I nursed her, and she did completely fine!! So I am going to start to give her one formula bottle a day. She is sleeping really well at night, and Eric and I even got to watch a movie last night! She has been such a great baby, and we are so proud of her! Lily, momma and daddy love you so much, you are the little light of our lives!! XOXOXO
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
Look at the little sweetie, she is adorable, she actually looks a little chubby in these pics. Ha! My little peanut amy be getting a little bigger, keep it up Lily. So happy she liked the formula, maybe that is what she needs to have each day that extra bottle and it might keep her more content, anything is worth a try, you can even give her the 4 ounces of breast milk too. She must just need a little more. She is adorable and you are doing a great job Christy, keep it up and Lily definitely looked like she was styling in those shades. Ha!
Lily is really starting to fill out, she looks soooo cute in her little sun glasses. We might have to sing the trash masher song to lily like we used to sing to Uncle Jeff if she keeps eating like that...LOL,luv you guys, Aunt Chrissy
What a darling! I am sooooo proud to be her PAPA. I can’t wait to see you all for the 4th.
Papa Carr.
Hey sweet cousin- I love the shades on Miss Lily:) And her bright bow and that yellow hat...too cute!! Grammy is having fun-hee! You may already know this from your doctor but when breastfed babies start eating more frequently it is to get you producing more milk to keep them fed as they are growing. It happens every so often and lasts only a couple of days until your milk supply has caught up to what baby needs. I know it feels like all you do is feed when this happens and that once she finishes it feels like she's eating again...but it is how God designed those breasts to keep feeding baby:) Hope that helps!! Keep up the great work...pretty soon nursing will feel pretty effortless:) Lots of hugs and love!!
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