My friend Joi and her daughter Abby came over today for a visit!! Abby just turned 2 and she is so cute!! I think when she first saw Lily, she thought she was a doll! She came right up to her and reached like she was gonna pick her up! It was so cute!! Lily just laid there! She wasn't a very fun play partner for Little Miss Abby, but someday she will be! Abby kept pointing to Lily and saying "Baby"... "Baby", it was so sweet!!! We went to grab a quick bite at the Loop, and both of the girls did great!!! They were both so good!!! Abby sat there like a little princess and ate her food, and Lily was awake, but she just chilled out in her seat! We had a good time! Thanks Joi and Little Miss Abby for coming, we had a good time! We will have to do it again sometime soon!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
So happy you were able to get out with a friend and her little one, you need to do that more often. Little Miss Abby is cute and it was good to see a pic of Joi. I think Lily had a good time also, she was a good girl and let you eat and visit without having to get fed. So glad you had a GREAT day! Can't wait to see you'll.
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