We had a great doctor's appointment today. We were so excited when the nurse weighed her and she had gained 13 ounces... Little miss must have been excited too because she peed all over the doctors table... We were all cracking up!!!! The doctor said everything looked wonderful!! All of Lily's newborn screens came back, and the doctor said everything looked great!! She also grew 1 and 1/2 inches!!! YEA LILY!!!!! So at 2 weeks, Lily weighs 6 pounds 15 ounces, and she is 21 inches long. We were so relieved when the doc told us everything looked exactly how it should look! All of the girls at the office just love seeing Lily! They love all of her big bows... we have only been there 3 times, and they already know Lily!! We are so amazed with our daughter... here are a few things we have learned about her these past 2 weeks...
~She does not like to be naked!!! She cries when we have to changer her clothes or diaper.
~She is a good eater!! She is a little piggy when she gets hungry!!! She eats about every 2 1/2 hours,and when she is hungry... she lets us know! She sleeps all of the time, but she is most awake between 6pm and 10pm. I feed her before I get in bed at 10:30, than at about 1 than at 4 than at about 6:30. She sleeps well between feedings though, so it is not bad at all!! She sleeps in the pack and play in our room for now.
~She loves to listen to music... if she starts to cry, we play music and it soothes her.
~She can lift her head and turn it from side to side... she seems very strong! It is so funny to watch her completely lift her head!! She also loves to roll on her side, we always find her like this when she wakes up. She loves her play gym, we put her on her back and she just stares and stares! She also likes to be put on her stomache. She pushes herself up and lifts her head!! So cute!!!
~She loves her bath!!! Her Belly button is all healed now, so she can get in her spa! She just loves it, she is so calm and happy! Her favorite thing is getting her hair washed!!
~We have been on many outings and she sleeps the entire time!! She loves her carseat, thank goodness!! She is such a good rider!! We talk, and listen to music, and she is completely content!
~She is a little grunter!! She makes the funniest noises all of the time!! And she always has the hiccups!!! She also makes tons of faces... we know we have seen her smile many times, even though they say that newborns aren't really smiling!
~She loves to snuggle!! I put her up on my shoulder and she just sighs!! So content!!
~She is just the sweetest thing in the whole wide world!!!
We are so proud of you baby girl!!! We love you so much!!!
I did so good at the doctors office... I am growing!!! Yea!!
Good job Lily, grammy is so proud that you have gained weight and grown in length, keep up the good work. Ha! What a cutie, what a bow head, I love it of course, the bigger the better. Ha! She is just to sweet.
Grammy (mom)
An over achiever already! Of course she passed her birth weight already. She looked SO CUTE! Naturally the nurses know who Lily is.....I predict a private exam room in the office by her next check up!
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