My great friend from college and sorority sister Bridget came to visit us yesterday, she lives in Ft. Lauderdale! It was so good to see her. She just loved Lily!!! We talked and caught up! We had such great times at Florida State!!! We can't believe we have been done with school for 4 years!!! Crazy!!! I miss all of my friends so much! We were all so very close, and we had many wild times!!! We have so many fun memories!!! I love you all so much!!! I miss you!!! Today, my other great friend and sorority sister, Kristen was in town, from Ft. Lauderdale so we went and met her for lunch at Moes. It was so fun to talk about old times! We laughed so hard! Again, we were crazy!! I am so glad you guys got to meet Lily! You girls will always have a special place in my heart!!! I look forward to many more fun times! These 2 girls were also bridesmaids in our wedding, and we love them very much!!! Thanks again for coming girls!! Come back soon!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
So happy you got to spend some time with your great college friends, Kristen and Bridget, I know it was fun just being together and talking about old times. I remember you and all your friends in college, you did have some GREAT and Crazy times as Theta's.
Glad they got to meet Lily, I am sure one day Lily will have friends just like them.
I'm so glad I was able to come up and visit with you and meet miss lily kate. She is so gorgeous and so sweet...just like her mom. I miss you guys and it was so good to see you and to catch up! Thanks for having me. Love ya, Bridget
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