Saturday, July 12, 2008

What I do on Saturday night!

Eric and Ando are hanging out on the couch having some drinks and talking, and what am I doing? Taking pictures of Little Miss Lily... this is what my weekends consist of... staying home, grilling out, playing with Lily, and taking pictures! But I wouldn't have it any other way!!!! We love you Lily!!! You have made us so happy!! We love spending our weekends and all of our time with you!! You are the sweetest!!!


Cheryl said...

What a little Beauty, I love that little outfit and the bow looks great also. Brown is such a trendy color and I love how she looks in it. Of course, I love everything she wears. Such a Princess!


NIna said...

Brian and I cant believe how big Lily is getting! We checked out the new pictures of her and her million outfits and bows..We love it! We hope to see you guys soon! We will be in Jax for Rachels graduation on August 1st, so let us know if you will be around! We will be sending out invites to her party also, and would love for you all to come..Friday at about 7....Cant wait! Happy Anniversary to you and Eric! Cant believe its been 4 years since the wedding! I just found the funniest pictures and tons of albums of us growing up. You would have died! Not sure what we were thinking! Miss you guys!
Love ya!
Nina and Brian

Unknown said...

Love this bow and outfit...brown is a good color for her and her name just fits her so well!! She is really starting to fill out:)
Love you,

Cheryl said...

I have to say that this is one of my favorite pics. of Lil!! The close up...WOW..she just looks sooo Beautiful!! I also love that outfit and bow!! Too cute!!
She's getting so big so fast, can't wait to see you guys again.

XOXO Auntie Lins

Shannon said...

I love the outfit with her name on it. She is getting so big already. I would love for them to stay little just a while longer. I love the brown bow too. I tried to get online and order a few more over the weekend, but the website was down until yesterday. Kamryn needs a brown one too. Love it!