So... We got out the Bumbo seat to see if the little miss was big enough to sit in it... Well, she isn't quite big enough, so I guess daddy had to play with it instead! Seriously... are you kidding??? Lily, your daddy is so silly!!! Love you both!!!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
I always knew Eric was crazy, this confirms it. Ha! It figures he would be able to find something to do with the seat. Ha! Don't worry Lily, mommy is normal. Ha! I love you son-in-law! I know you were just entertaining your daughter. Ha! Seriously, you are a great dad, keep it up.
I don't know what happened on the last post...OOPS:) These are hilarious!!!! Grant and Eric would get along well...totally something he would do. One day Lily will be so embarrassed that her daddy did this and Eric will enjoy tormenting her with these photos-hee! Keep enjoying everything about your little princess!!
Funny guy.
is this my son-in-law?
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