Well, this morning Lily woke up later than usual, and she felt very hot! I took her temp and it was 101.3. I immediately called the doc and they said to bring her right in! If you know me, you know I am a panicker! So I jumped in the car as fast as could and headed to the pediatrician's office. (Eric met me there) They took her in and and her temp had gone up to 101.9, and they could not figure out the reason for the fever, so they told us we had to take her to the hospital (ER) and have blood taken, etc. They said that because Lily is still so young, they have to send her to the hospital because of her immune system, etc. Well, I was hysterical because I was so worried!!! They mentioned things like Menengitis, Urinary Tract Infection, but they just were not sure. So we got back in the car and headed to Wolfsons where they took us right away. Her temp had stayed the same 101.9. And the lovely nurse (i am being very sarcastic!) in triage said "you know what we have to do right, we have to give her a catheter, take blood, put her on an IV, and she will probably have to stay here in the hospital for a few nights!" Well, I then became very upset again! I was just so very worried! So we went to a room and then a very nice nurse and a few assistants came in a took her blood, got a urine sample, and tried to give her an IV, but her little vein kept collapsing, so they stopped trying. They said they would see how the test results came back before they tried again with the IV. I felt so bad for our Little Miss! She was just hysterical from being pricked so much! And she didn't feel good.. oh it was aweful!! Well, thank God the tests came back and it is a urinary tract infection. The doc said they can just give her a shot and then follow up at our docs office tomorrow to get an antibiotic. And we didnt have to stay in the hospital over night!!! Praise God!!! He did say that because she is so young and got an unrinary tract infection, there could be something wrong with her "plumbing". So she has to get xrays and tests and stuff to check that out! Pray that is was just a one time thing, and that there is nothing wrong! We were so worried, but everything is ok. Pray that her fever stays down too! We are just gonna stay home today and snuggle! Lily, we Love you so much and hope you feel better!!!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
Hey Guys,
So glad to hear it was a UTI. I know scares you to death when it is your baby, but glad you have a children's facility so close and they saw her. We will pray that the antibiotics work and that she gets better quickly. Good job on catching it early and being so tuned into Lily. What a good mom, and glad Eric met you so you didn't have to go through it alone.
Talk to you soon!
I am praying for her too.
we all agree it will be okay and Lily will be back to normal.
love you guys.
Praise God our Little Princess is going to be ok, I was so worried about her and felt terrible not being able to be there for you and Eric and the baby. There were alot of people praying for her and you guys this morning when she was as the hospital. GOD is SOOOO Good, Thank you Lord for allowing Lily to go home and that she is going to be ok. You had us worried little one! I think I aged 10 years today!
.Praise the Lord that they know what it is. I know you must have been worried sick...so sorry you all went through that today. We were praying for all of you throughout the day and will continue to as she gets better. You are great parents and I am so thankful that you had such a great facility close by. Make sure and take it easy...you all will be exhausted from today. Much love and hugs sent your way
God bless,
Mary and family
So, I FINALLY got my computer set up since I moved! I'm so happy that I can post comments on this blog of yours that, p.s., I am addicted to! I am so sorry that Lily got sick. I know that must have been so scary to go through. I am thinking of you and praying for that precious baby. I know we keep playing phone tag, but call me tomorrow if you can!
Love, Keri
Hey Christy,
My mom called and told me about Lily before I even had a chance to read your blog. It is so scary when they get sick, especially when they are so little and they can't tell you what is hurting them. I use to follow Rylee around with a thermometer all the time, I got better with Syd, but this time around, it seems that I have gone back to my old ways. I am glad they found out so quickly what was wrong with Lily, and we will continue to pray that she gets better quickly. Keep us posted.
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