Lily came to work with me today while I worked in my classroom. She was so content! She just hung out! Samantha, Judy, and Marla also helped out and held her and loved on her! Lily looked so big today in her cherry outfit! She looks so long to me! Everyone says she still looks so little, but she just looks so big to me! She is just too sweet! She is babbling alot now! She smiles all of the time, but I can't ever get them on camera! She is starting to mimic me... I stick my tongue out, and then she does it. Then she just smiles and smiles.. it is the cutest thing! I got it on video! I have to figure out how to put videos on this blog! She also has started to grab for the toys on her bouncy seat. I watched her today and it was so funny. She looks at the parrot and monkey, and grabs at them. Then she just smiles and smiles! She hasn't laughed out loud yet, but she makes cute giggly noises. I can't believe she is almost 10 weeks old! Time flies! I love you Lily!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
What a cutie pie, she is becoming so alert. She is so sweet and I cna't wait to see her, one week more. Yea!
She looks so big! Very alert and her face just looks older. I love this stage.....everyday will be something new she does....enjoy every second of it. See you soon!
Oh my goodness - she is SOOOOO cute!!! I am so mad that I wasn't able to get up to work yesterday!!! We were running errands an just ran out of time! Let me know when you are going up to school again!! I would love for Ian to meet Lily!
Wow! Has it really been almost 10 weeks? It really goes so fast, doesn't it. She is such a cutie, and what a good baby that you get your work done with her.
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