Lily is growing and changing so much!!! She loves to play, and she is developing quite the personality!!! She is too sweet!!! She doesn't like to be alone (in another room than us). She is content as long as someone is around! She has discovered her fists and hands! She sucks on them all the time, and last night she found her thumb and was sucking it... it was too cute!!! Her eyes are turning a pretty color blue, and her eyelashes look so long to me!! She fits into most of her 0 to 3 month clothes!! Yea!! She is still a great sleeper at night, and just takes little cat naps during the day!! I can tell the difference between her cries... when she is really upset and when she is just whining!! She is a good eater, and grunts and goes wild when she is eating!! She just goes crazy!! She looks at me now, and sometimes just stares!! Like she is starting to figure some things out!! She is just precious!!! Lily, I love you so very much!! You are just so amazing!!! My little pumpkin head!!!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
What a cutie, she loves her play gym that Aunt Lins got her. She is getting sooo big, still was trying so hard to hold her little head up on her stomach, not long and she will be doing it.
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