Earlier today, Lily and I met Samantha for lunch, and then we went to start setting up my new classroom. We got a ton done today, thanks to Samantha!!! She helped out so much! She is the best at putting a classroom together! She has been such a great help!! Thanks so much girl! For everything! I snapped a few pics of Lily... she was such a good girl today!! I love you baby girl!! Also, Congrats to my cousin Shannon and her family! They welcomed a beautiful baby girl on July 7th!! Kamryn Grace! She is so beautiful!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
How cute my little pumpkin is, these pics are some of my favorite, she is so alert and getting big. I miss you'll soooo much, can't wait to see you again.
Glad you are getting your class ready for the new school year, it should be very interesting with Little Miss Lily in school. Ha!
She just keeps getting cuter! She is so alert and wide eyed. I love her little outfit and bow. Kamryn's are all too big still. We are not too happy about that. Too bad we didn't all live a little closer. I am sure they would be great playmates.
What else can you say but she truly is a beauty!! She is getting so alert...I love the wide eyed pictures. You do realize you will have to scrapbook all of these?? Ha! Allison has sooooo many pictures of her first year...the other two...not so much:)And scrapbooking hasn't happened in a long time either...oh well!! I started lesson planning for student teaching this fall. I go in less than 4 weeks- yikes! I bet it feels strange to think you are going back soon?? We love you all...give Miss Lily lots of hugs and kisses from us!!
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