After a great morning at the beach, we headed over to Eric's parent's beach condo about 5 miles up the road! Granna, Pepe, Aunt Amy, Uncle Ryan, Aunt Ashlie, and Uncle Craig were all waiting to get their hands on the little miss! We had such a great afternoon hanging out by the pool! It was so nice to relax in the pool! Lily was zonked out for awhile, but then she woke up! She was so content! She loves to be held, and everyone loves to hold her!!! It was so good getting to spend some time with Granna, Pepe, Aunt Amy, Uncle Ryan, Aunt Ashlie, and Uncle Craig! Lily went in the pool again today, and she loved it! We only kept her in for a few minutes though, we didn't want her to get sun! Everyone thought Lily had grown and changed so much since they last saw her! Lily got to meet many of the nice people at the beach condos! We can't wait to come back Granna and Pepe!!! It was so good to see you all, and we can't wait to see you again!! Thanks for having us over! We had a blast!!!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
what a great time we all had.
This was the best 4TH i ever had. What a BLAST....
love you lily.
What a good day, had so much fun spending time with my sweet grandaughter and children and family. Lily was too cute in all her bathing suits, she really is a sweetheart! It was nice to spend some time with the Lafleur family, we always have a good time together.
PS: This is the day that the master chef (Eric) almost blew himself up on the grill. You gave me a heart attack son-in-law. Ha! But oh was that chicken good. Ha!
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