Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Busy Week!

We have had a great week so far!!! On Monday Granna and Pepe came and watched Lily while I went up to the school to work on my classroom! I got so much done! Thanks so much for watching our pumpkin... it was a huge help.. and I know you had a great time too!! On Tuesday we had Lily's 2 month checkup. She did great! She weighs 10 pounds 4 ounces, and is 23 1/4 inches long! She is growing like crazy! Yea!!! She had to get her shots... I was so worried, and I couldn't watch. Daddy stood by her and gave her a pep talk, and she was ok. She screamed for a few minutes, but then was fine! The nurses always come to see Lily... they love to see what she has on. One nurse even went and got sparkly girly bandaids for Lily! She knew that the plain old bandaids just wouldn't do for the princess. (that is what she said!) Lily, we are so proud of you! We are so glad you are growing and doing so well! Today we went and met Joi and Abby at Panera. We had a good time! Abby is really warming up to Lily. She is so cute with her! After lunch we went to this great jewelery store called It's Eclectic at the beach!! I got some really great stuff! We came home and Lily and I took a nap!! She fell asleep on my chest!! She was so sweet! I love you angel!!!


Cheryl said...

Oh my goodness, she is so alert now and getting big and more beautiful each day! I love these pictures of her, I think she looks a little like you in these pictures. Can't wait to see her and you in a week, we will have a good time.
