Lily, Daddy and I love you so much!!! You are such a sweet and happy baby, and we are so lucky to have you! Our favorite times are in the morning, and after your bath at night! We love playing with you and making you smile! We can't wait until you can laugh out loud! You are growing and getting so strong! We love to watch you lift your head, and try to turn over... not too much longer until you can do it! You try so hard, and it is so cute to watch you! You are such a cuddler! You are so content, and you love to be held! You are so happy in our arms! We just love you to pieces!! Thank you so much for all the joy you bring to our lives!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
Look at that face! What a cutie!
I love you Lily! Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks.
Hey girl, I have sent you a couple of emails, but no response, so I think I might be going straight to spam! Anyway, I want to make sure I get the right size canvas for you. 11x14, right? You said you wanted the smallest size, but I think an 8x10 is too small for all the words!
Add me to your contacts list and maybe this will stop happening! Grrr!
Such a cute picture. It is so true what a joy they bring to our lives. Can't imagine life without them.
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