I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend!!! I have posted tons and tons of pictures in about 4 different posts (see below), but I had to post a few more of my favorites of Lily! Lily is doing so many new things! She has started to laugh! It is so cute! She will get all excited and just laugh! She has also started cooing! She loves to hear herself! She is just too funny! She kicks her legs like crazy when she is in her bouncy seat! When we put her on her stomache, she tries and tries to turn over, and she has... with a little help from us! She is so alert, and follows things with her eyes! She is attracted to bright colors and objects that move. She has been sleeping 5 hours at a time at night! I am so lucky!!! She is such a good sleeper! She still loves her paci, and she tries to hold in in her mouth with her hand. She has discovered her thumb and her hand, and she sucks on them! She has the biggest eyes when she smiles, and we are really starting to see her eyelashes and eyebrows. Her hair and her eyes are lightening up too. She is really filling out, and we are anxious to see how much she has grown! We can't believe she has been here for almost 2 months! It is amazing how time flies! Lily, you are such a good baby and we are already so proud of you! We love yu sweet pea!!!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
Every picture taken is adorable, can't hardly pick one that would be my favorite, I love them all, keep taking those pics and thank you so much for the great job you are doing posting each day, it means the world to me.
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