Well, we just got back from the doctors, and everything looks great!!! Lily's fever is down to normal, and she isn't showing any signs of discomfort! The lab results had not come in yet (of course) so they did not know what the bacteria was... they could not prescribe an antibiotic just yet. They went ahead and gave her another shot of the antibiotic they gave her yesterday, the doc said it is a strong antibiotic and it should kill everything, but she wants to see what it actually was and give her the exact antibiotic to fight her bacteria. We will get the results tomorrow. She said Lily looked great, and should not have to go see any specialists or anything like that. They will just monitor her and make sure this isn't a reoccuring thing! So Lily is OK!!!!! Poor thing had to get another shot, and screamed like crazy... but it was what was best for her! I can't stand to see her in so much pain though!! Thank yo so much everyone for all of your prayers! We really appreciate you all thinking of us!! We were so worried yesterday, but everything is ok!!! Thank God!!! I will post some pics later of sweet Lily, she is sleeping now, and I don't think she is in the mood to get her pic taken! Love you all and thanks again!!!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
Yea Lily! Grammy has been praying for you and had everyone she knows praying also. God is so good and I am so hapy you are feeling better! I love you Little Miss Lily and can't wait to see you on Thursday. You can't get sick to often, your mommy and daddy get very worried and so does your Grammy. Ha!
Grammy (Mom)
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