Sunday, March 29, 2009

Playin' on Saturday!

Well we had a very productive Saturday!! Eric mowed the lawn, washed the cars, and touched up the paint in the house, and I cleaned. We got a ton done! Lily was such a good girl all day!!! We played for a long time in her room. She just loves her room and all of her toys! I love to play with her! She is so funny!! It was about 68 degrees for awhile here yesterday, so we were very excited! We brought Lily's bouncer outside while Eric grilled...than it got cold again, so we had to go back inside. She LOVES to be outside!!! Lily you are such a sweet baby, and we love you so much!!!

I love to be outside!!

Play, Play, Play!

On her way to mischief!
Uh Oh!! They caught me!

Watchin' none other than the Wiggles!


Lindsay said...

I can't believe how tall little miss is getting....the bow looks so cute!! she's getting so much hair..pretty soon she'll be able to sport a pony! lol :)
you guys look like your having such a great time in VA! Cant wait to see ya soon! love you!

Cheryl said...

She is too cute, the faces she makes. Ha! Still with her black eye, poor baby. She is quite the character, getting into everything! I must say it is cute when she misbehaves! Ha!

Can't wait to see you!

Love ya!

KathyJock said...

LOVE the pic. of her at the garbage can! So beasty!! Her bow is tipped, her pants are falling down, her eye is black and she is ready to dumpster dive!! LOL! Oh Christy, I can tell you have your hands full already! Wait until she starts running!! Glad you are having so much fun with her..enjoy every second!