OK... so we were having a perfectly great Sunday... Lil and I were playing in her room literally 5 minutes before I was going to give her a bath and get ready for bed..................
***Background... Lily is everywhere these days!! She can't quite walk yet... but she thinks she can!! She is our first baby, so I really don't have anything to go by... but she seems a little crazier than most... I know they are all pretty wild at this age but... Anyways, she is so active and I love that she is!!! I am so glad she has this adorable spunky personality, and loves to be around everyone! She loves to play and move around... and I think she is going to be a little klutzy just like her Momma!
OK... back to the story... so I am literally right there behind her and she was "cruising" from her little rocking chair to her toy box. Well, she lunged forward out of nowhere and slipped and hit her eye on the (rounded) corner of the chair! I knew she hit it hard because I heard it!! She screamed! I FREAKED (inside) out and took her in my arms and calmed her down... She cried for maybe a minute. I called Eric to the kitchen and told him to look... because I was afraid of what I would see! He got ice... we weren't even sure if we were supposed to put ice on a baby... but we did it anyways. She calmed down, but didn't let us put the ice on for more than a few seconds! THANK THE LORD she didn't split her eye! I couldn't have handled that!! She got the little area right under the eye..it swelled up immediately. We gave her a bottle to make her feel better, and before it was finished she was back to her normal self. I kept her up for awhile that night to make sure she was ok. We played more in her room, took a bath, and read books. She was FINE... So when I put her to bed I of course felt horrible and was so upset! Well, yesterday when she woke up it was of course very black and blue, but the swelling had gone down. I was afraid of what the people would say at my exercise class that I had just joined! They just laughed and said it is the first of MANY!!! She was fine yesterday and we even went for a walk! She was worried about how her eye looked, but I told her not to worry cuz Momma had some glasses and a hat and no one would even notice!!! So she wore her hat and sunglasses on our walk to cover up the ole shiner!!! Lily, I am so sorry you hurt yourself!! We NEVER want anything bad to happen to you, and are so thankful you are OK!!! We love you you little wild girl!!! XOXO
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
Oh, my poor baby! Even with her black eye she is still cute. Ha! Good cover up mom with the trendy sunglasses and hat. Ha! It will get worse before it gets better, these accidents will happen, it probably hurt you worse than her! Lily's 1st boo boo! Sorry baby girl!
Love ya even with a shiner! Ha!
Oh Poor Lily!! It is not as bad as I pictured!! I really thought it would be worse when Grammy told me about it. It isn't too bad. She looks too cute with the glasses and hat! Relax Christy, you are a great Mom and this is the first of many....resist the urge to put her in a padded suit! I've tried with my girls and it doesn't work. This hurt you more than her!! Kudos on documenting it; she'll love seeing this when she gets bigger!! Love ya!
AWWWWWWWW.....poor Lil!! I have to say...even with a black eye she still looks sooo darn cute!! :) i love that hat...its sooo cute!! love you guys!!
Poor baby! From the way you described it, I thought it would be worse. I'm sure it will look better in no time. What a celebrity with her dark glasses on! Were the paparazzi there?!? haha Love you! Keri
I meant "look worse", not "be worse". I know that had to have been SO scary for you Christy!
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