After we put Lily down for bed last night, we made a fire in our fire pit outside to keep us warm while Eric grilled out! We LOVE to grill out... and it has been so cold! So... we just decided to make a nice toasty fire, and sit out by it while we grilled! It was so NICE!!! We had a nice night just hanging out... than we had a delicious bbq pork tenderloin dinner! So Yummy! Love you Eric, and thanks for a great night! XOXO PS... We can't wait until we can grill out wihtout a fire to keep us warm in the 30 degree weather!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
So cute! You two crack me up, grilling in the 300 degree weather, Ha! At least you had a fire pit to enjoy while grilling! The neighbors must think you are crazy, oh, thats right you don't have neighbors yet! Ha! Glad you had a nice evening by the fire!
Love ya!
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