I am 10 months old!!! Do ya wanna give me a squeeze???
A little smirk... seriously... the minute I take the camera out she stops smiling! She looks so serious in pictures! So Funny!
I am playing... don't bug me!
I am such a big girl pushing my stroller!
UH OH!!! I fell down!!
Hmmmm... what goes in here???
I just can't believe Lily is 10 months old... I know I say it every month... but 10 months... CRAZY!!! She is just getting so BIG!!! We have been having a great week! On Monday we just hung around because it was miserable outside. Tuesday I signed up for Jazzercise... oh yes... you heard me... Jazzercise! I just love it! I did it before my wedding and it gets me into shape like no other! I love to dance (being a cheerleader and dancer in my past!) They have childcare, and Lily was the only one in there yesterday! She loves to play, so she enjoyed herself! Today I went to MOPS... It is a mom's group! It was so great!! It was nice to meet some girlies!! And Lil had a BLAST playing with all of the other kiddos! It was so BEAUTIFUL outside today, Lily and I took about an hour walk outside! (It has rained here for the past week... literally, nonstop!) Lily is "cruising" all around. She holds on to different things and goes from one toy to another, or one table to another, etc. She says mamamam (but not to me) dadadada, bababab, She claps her hands when we say yea!!! or clap hands, and when I say how big is Lily...so big, she raises her hands above her head. She waves hi and bye all of the time. She LOVES to sit in my lap and read books!!! So sweet!! When I say give me a kiss... she leans her head towards mine and puts her little mouth on my face!!! MELT MY HEART!!! She has been eating TONS of new things!!! Big people food!! Lets see... for breakfast she has been having whole grain waffle and fruit and or yogurt (either applesauce, bananas, peaches, pears), and fruit juice! She LOVES IT!!! For lunch she has had chicken salad, mac and cheese, pasta pickup from gerber (cheese ravioli, spinach ravioli, chicken and stars) some sort of veggie, cheese, and some sort of fruit! And for dinner she has been having pretty much the same variety as lunch... she is such a good eater!!! I am gonna make a list of all of the things she has eaten for documentation purposes..since this is basically the written part of her baby book! None of this is the baby food version... all "big people food"! Waffles, yogurt, bananas, peaches, pears, grapes, cherries, applesauce, turkey, chicken, chicken salad, mac and cheese, whole grain bread, cheese, rice, green beans, carrots, broccoli, peas, potatoes, ice cream!!! And juice and water... and of course her bottle (formula) Lily... you are so precious and you crack me up!! I love ya so very much and I am enjoying watching you grow! You are AMAZING baby girl! Love you!!!
Happy 10 month birthday to my beautiful grandaughter! She just gets more precious each day. Can't believe how big she is getting, looks like she will be walking soon, love seeing her push her stroller,you need to put her baby in it! That is so funny how she gets serious when you take out the camera, she knows exactly what she is doing also, cracks me up! Can't wait to see you and the Little Priss in a couple of weeks!
Love ya!
Cant believe Lily is 10 months old....how crazy....She is getting sooo big!! and changing every pic i see :)
Cant wait for you guys to come visit!! love you guys!
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