We can't believe that Little Missy is 9 months old!! (Well, she turned 9 months Feb. 18... close enough!) She is growing so fast and changing so much! We went to the doctors office last week for her 9 month checkup! We have a new doctor up here and we love him! Well, there are about 20 doctors in the network, but I love the one we had the other day! Lily weighed 20 pounds 1 ounce and was 26 inches long! She is wearing 9-12 month clothes, and size 3-4 shoes. He said everything looked great, and said she could eat anything we eat... She still doesn't have any teeth, so I was a little worried about that! She has been eating all different types of baby foods... all of the fruits, and all of the veggies, and we started the mac and cheese, and the raviolis. She is such a good eater... very clean too! She started to eat puffs and she LOVES them. She also loves yogurt bites.. they melt in her mouth, so I don't get too nervous when she eats those! I gave her some yobaby the other day, and she liked that as well! We have just started to give her little shreds of chicken fingers, bread, potatoes, green beans, rice, and ice cream of course!... barely any... but it is a start!! She is getting really good with her sippy cup. I put juice and water in it. She still likes her bottle, and loves to have a blankie in her hand while drinking it, so sweet. I asked the doctor about her sleeping... she still wakes up in the middle of the night a few times... and we go and get her... well he said absolutely do not ever got get her if we want her to have a normal sleep schedule for the rest of her childhood! So the other night we let her "cry it out"... worst night ever! She wailed for a good 40 minutes, then went to sleep. We felt so bad!! The next night she wailed for about 20 minutes, and the next the same... but after that she has not cried at all, and is sleeping through the whole night!! YEA!! She usually goes to bed between 7 and 8 and wakes up between 6 and 7... AMAZING! Let's pray that she keeps this up! She is still a cat napper during the day... she just never wants to give it up! She always wants to be in the action! She is crawling everywhere, and pulling up on everything! She is very brave and just lets go, and I do not think it is gonna be long before she is walking! AHHH! She loves to play in her room with all of her toys. (as long as someone is playing with her) She pulls all of her toys and books out.. in out in out. She LOVES to be read to! She is never still, but when we read to her, she is completely calm and still! She loves to got to the electrical outlets, and anywhere she is not supposed to go! She is a little mischievous thing... and it is too funny!! When she knows she is doing something she is not suppose to, she will look at me and laugh... and when I say no no, she laughs!! She LOVES the wiggles, and is starting to love Barney! She says mamamamam, dadadadad, babababa, and papapapapa. She is squealer, and she screams all of the time... not in anger, but in delight! She waves bye bye, and if we are not paying attention to her, she "grunts" to get our attention. She is starting to give kisses.. too precious! She loves to be around everyone! She loves little kids... whenever she sees them she squeals!! She is used to them from when she was coming with me to school! She misses all of her "friends" from my class! She loves to be out and about just like her momma! She loves going on walks and being outside! She loves to snuggle for a bit, but then she is off again! She is such a sweetie pie! Lily you are the most precious thing in the world to us! We love you so much!! You are the sweetest most beautiful loving little angel! We are loving being your parents!

I love the pics!! I can't believe she is already doing all those things you wrote...time is going by waaay to fast! Glad to hear she has been sleeping through the nite for you and eric. (I believe I remember somebody telling you you have to let her cry and shell fall asleep...LOL) I know it's really hard to let her cry but glad it worked for u!! :)
Love you guys!!
What beautiful pics she took, everyone of them are perfect! She did such a good job, of course you and I must look like fools when she is getting her pics done. Ha! Must say she is "One Beautiful Baby!"
Love ya!
Good for you...you "Ferberized" her! It is the hardest thing in the world to let them cry it out, but it does work. Three nights is the magic number. Three nights of torture for a lifetime of sleeping all night,,,,well worth it! The pictures are so cute. Can you believe she'll be a year soon? She'll be running all over and probably will learn "NO" and say it to you often!!
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