We had a great time with Granna and Pepe! And boy did we get a lot of stuff done!!! They got here on Thursday afternoon. We just hung out and played with Lily until Eric got home! We went to dinner at a little place by our house called Winston's. On Friday, Eric went to work, and his parents painted... and painted... and painted... with breaks to play with Lily of course!! They got a bunch done! Later that night we cooked out and had a yummy dinner! Lily is all over the place, and Granna thinks she will be walking soon! We had a great time playing with Lily! We woke up Saturday and started painting again! We got so much done! Later that night we cooked out and had another great dinner... (it was pouring rain and freezing, but Eric was out there grilling! Thanks babe!) Thanks so much Granna and Pepe for all of your help! It was great to be able to sleep in a little, and sleep through the night! On Sunday we woke up and it was pouring rain! It was so yucky out! But this was our day to go do stuff, so we got Lily ready and headed for downtown Norfolk, where we were gonna go to a cool naval museum, and go out on one of the huge ships! Well, most of the tour was outside, so we couldn't do that! We had lunch and Eric gave us the tour of Norfolk, and Chesapeake... and all surrounding areas! Lily did so good! She just hung out! PS puffs are her new favorite thing!! I don't go anywhere without them now! So instead of doing the museum... we went to the mall... we still have to get a ton of stuff for our house, so we went and looked around and got some great stuff. Granna and Pepe got Lily some cute outfits too! Thanks guys! We also went to the puppy store and played with the puppies! We ALMOST walked away with a 2 month old Westie... but we didn't... Thank Goodness!!! Pepe and Daddy got Lily some ice cream, and boy did she love it! We also went to a few furniture stores. For dinner, we went to a Mexican restaurant, and then came home! It rained ALL DAY LONG!!! NO FUN!! Granna and Pepe left today, and just before they left it started snowing! It snowed for like 2 hours! CRAZY!!! So Eric is home from work today... and guess what he is doing??? Painting! Only 2 little rooms to go! Thanks again Granna and Pepe, for everything! We really appreciate all of your help! We love you!!!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
So happy that the Lafleurs got so much painting done for you, that is GREAT! Love Lily with her sippy cup, yea, she has finally got the hang of it! She is so serious in her pics, she looks adorable and I can't wait to see her and you guys. Oh my, never go in a Puppy store, even those who don't want dogs get tempted, don't think you are ready for a puppy yet, you are still training Lily or she is training you! Ha! Ha! Glad that you got to spend some time with the Lafleurs, I know they were as anxious to see Lily as I am.
Love ya!
So cute in that jacket with the Chester Cheetah!! Love her in that color sweater too! She does look so big sipping the cup. Just for the record, I liked the lab in the pictures, but can speak from experience when I say: DON'T GET THE PUPPY!!! Enjoy your visit with your Mom and Dad. Looks like the LaFleurs go lots done. How nice of them to do that!
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