Lily and I were hanging' out waiting for Daddy to get home on Friday night! She LOVES the wiggles and thinks that holding the remote somehow allows her to watch them! She is so funny!!! She looks like such a big girl in these pics!! We had a great Friday night and went to La Familia... a Mexican place right up the road! Lilt ate rice, chicken, and beans! Such a BIG GIRL!!! Love you sweet baby!
OK Momma, it is time to watch the Wiggles!!

Wait a minute... why isn't it coming on??

Come on TV... let's go!

OK I will just look out the window and wait for dada to come home!
(look how big this baby is getting!!)

Oh Yes!!! The WIGGLES!!!
(please disregard the hanging cords from the tv as we haven't gotten all of the technical difficulties figured out yet!)

Lily's expression when she sees dada when he gets home from work! (literally every day when he gets home, she goes wild and claps her hands... so cute!!!)

Dada and his little princess! Love u both to pieces!!
She is so funny with that remote, one problem? Why isn't she in her bouncy seat watching the tv, mommy you are such a softy, one little wimper and you took her out, I am sure, right? She does look sooo big, she soon will not only be standing at the window but walking everywhere. Love this little girl!
Love ya!
She does look so big sitting there with the remote. Her legs look a mile long! That must make Eric's day, to see her get so excited!
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