Sunday, March 15, 2009

LOVE the new church!!!

Today we went to a church the our builder told us about... Faith Alive! It was awesome! We LOVED it! I am so glad!!! Somewhere to get connected to! YEA!!! I took these of Lil before we left... such a little stinker!! She had such a great time in the nursery... when we went to pick her up... one lady said.. wow! she is crazy! and the other lady seconded... yeas, she is CRAZY!!! As Lily flies across the carpet crawling while flinging toys here and there... yes... we know she is WILD... part of her charm we say! HE HE!!! Again... such a little stinker! Love that BABY!!!!

NOTICE... she is sitting forward in her carseat!


Cheryl said...

Oh my, what a cutie. Such a big girl standing at the window. I love the expression on her face, the one Eric is holding her, I know exactly what she was doing, giving a beasty scream! Ha! The one of you and her is cute also. Glad you like the new church.

Love ya!

Love her in that dress with the fur! Soooo stylish! Ha!

Cheryl said...

So proud of my BIG girl getting sit forward in her car seat! Yeah Lily, now you can see what is going on! Such a cute pic!

KathyJock said...

Too cute in the dress with the fur on the bottom! Glad you found a Church. You'll start meeting people now and your days will be filled with playdates for Lily! I love when they can turn around. You can see her and make sure she isn't choking (Was I the only paranoid mom that thought that??) and she can see you and watch the action! Tell her she runs that nursery at Church and keep going wild!! Love you guys!