Happy Friday!!! I hope you all had a great week!! I snapped a few pics of Little Miss today at school... she is such a beauty!! I love her to death! She is hilarious!! So funny!! She has grown so much! I love you baby girl!!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
Hey Christy, looks like it is going well at school. Does she love watching the kids? I know they love having her there. I picture Mack in first grade (just last year) with a baby in the room. She would have loved it! Lily is getting so big. In the pictures on her tummy I see you, especially the eyes. I know you have friends in this weekend; have fun! Tell Eric hi and give Lily a kiss and one little nibble on the thigh!
Hey christy, I love the new pics.!! Omg she is just so darn cute!!! LOL and she's getting big way too fast!!! Pls. Tell the little miss to slow down. :)
We can't wait to see you guys soon!! We miss you guys!!
Have a great time with jodi and kerri!!
Love ya!! xoxo
Auntie Lins*
I love these pics, she is getting to be such a big girl, can't believe she is 4 months old. She is just to cute for words, can't wait to see you'll soon.
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