Wow!! What a week! The good thing about being so busy is the weeks fly by!! I finished my second week of school with Lily. (bringing her with me) We also had open house on Thursday night, this is where the parents come in to the classroom and I give them a rundown of all that is 1st grade... and it is a ton of stuff! (Eric came and picked up Lily for me, so I could do open house without her) I always get so nervous when I have to talk in front of the parents, but I always leave feeling like I did a good job... at least I hope! I was really worried that I would have some complaints about having Lily in the classroom with us... but thank goodness, no one said anything negative about it!! Yea!!! Things have been going great with bringing her. It is just really tiring!! But again, I can't complain! I am so glad I don't have to leave her!!! I think I am gonna try and find someone who can watch her a couple days a week, to give us both a break... plus give my arms a break!!! (if my arms don't get in shape from this...) I have a few ideas of people to ask, I just have to ask them! I am really looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend... just cleaning, grocery shopping, and football!!! The 'Noles play their first game on Saturday, and the Dolphins play their first game on Sunday!!! Yea!!! We love football season! Little Miss is sleeping right now! She decided to wake up at 3:45 this morning, and didn't go back to sleep... needless to say I was walking in my sleep today while teaching class! Eric and I just grilled out, and had a nice dinner, just the 2 of us!! So nice!!! I even read my new US weekly!!! I haven't read a magazine since she was born! Again, so nice to just relax after always being on the go go go!!! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Love you all! Here a just a few pics of my sweet little lady bug!! Love you precious angel!! Sweet Dreams!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
What a great setup you have to be able to take Lily with you! That is fantastic! I bet all your kids love her so much!
How do you manage it? I really am very curious! There is no way I could teach and handle Addison at the same time!!! =)
I'm so glad that your open house went good...Lily is the most beautiful little lady bug ever!!!!! She looks sooo funny sitting in that lady bug chair...too cute!!! love ya, Aunt Chrissy
Thanks for posting the pic, I know how tired you said you were yesterday. Lily again looks so cute, she looks cute always, just so stylish all the time. Ha! Glad her 3-6 months clothes are starting to fit, I was worried that they wouldn't get to be worn before the cooler weather. No worry, fall clothes are on the way. Ha! You know me I have become the on-line internet queen, Ha! before Lily I had never ordered anything on line and now some of the companys know me by name. Ha! I know, I am out of control as you and many people would say but it is SOOOO much FUN! Ha! Me and Gram did save lots of money by buying alot of winter clothes last year right after we found out you were pregnant so there!!! Can't wait to see my Little Nole in her cheerleading outfit, hopep it fits.
Maybe she will stay up just long enough to visit with Katie and Stan tonight and then fall asleep so you can enjoy the game, WISHFUL thinking! Ha!
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