Friday morning Eric and Lily drove down to St. Augustine beach to spend the day with Granna and Pepe, and I came down later that day after work! We all had such a great weekend!! Aunt Amy and Uncle Ryan were there too! Everyone was so excited to see Lily!!! They all just loved being with her! They all love her so much! She was such a cutie this weekend! She has really found her voice, and she smiles all of the time!! Granna and Pepe kissed her like a million times, and Lily just loved it! Aunt Amy and Uncle Ryan had a ball with her too! Lily loved playing with Aunt Amy! And Uncle Ryan is convinced that Lily said "hi" to him!! We had a great time relaxing by the pool and down at the beach!! It is so nice there! We just love it and look forward to many fun times there with Lily! It was Granna and Pepe's 35th wedding anniversary, so on Sunday we went to church and then to a neat restaurant called Old City House! It was so nice!! Happy Anniversary Granna and Pepe, and also today is Uncle Craig's birthday.. Happy Birthday Uncle Craig! We missed you guys this weekend! Granna and Pepe had a great time with the little princess, and they were sad to see her go! We will see you guys soon! Thanks for a wonderful weekend!! Lily you are so loved!!!
(Aunt Amy is Daddy's twin sister!)
I love all the weekend pics at the beach with Lily and the family. SO CUTE!!! Eric looks sooo skinny!
Granna and Pepe look so happy with Lily, I am jealous! Can't wait to see you all. I can't tell who is Chrity and who is Amy, you both look just alike. I love Lily in her Zebra bathing suit, hat and sunglasses, she looks so chubby!
Kisses to all!
Gram (Great Grandma)
Love all the pics! Lily gets bigger each time I see a new pic.
It looks like you had a GREAT time this weekend.
Mom (Grammy)
You all look like you had a great weekend!!! Lily looks soo sweet laying on her pepe's chest....she looks like a little princess in her church dress...BEAUTIFUL...MUAH,Aunt Chrissy
love, love, love the zebra swim outfit! it's to die for! i am a zebra fanatic!!!!!
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