We were so excited to be able to try rice cereal for the first time!!! After her doctor's appt. we went to Publix to get some yummy rice cereal! I wanted to get some cute bowls and stuff, but they didn't have any! I will have to go to Target tomorrow to get some! I don't know what Lily really thought of the cereal! She was totally into the spoon, but she was so funny with the cereal!! Daddy and I took turns feeding her, and she semed to like it, but it just kept coming out of her mouth! I don't really know how much she actually ate, but she was so funny!! It was everywhere! We took her right to the bath when she was done! So cute! We will try again tonight and see what she thinks! I can't believe my little baby is eating rice cereal! Time Flies!!! Love you baby girl!!!!!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
Oh my goodness.....she looks like she loved the cereal....she is soooo cute....she is getting soo big,her personality is really starting to show,she is so sweet.Love you guys,Aunt Chrissy
Yeah! Yummy cereal, she looks so cute and she looks like she is wondering what in the world am I putting in my mouth. Ha! I think she is going to like it, how cute, a diaper, bib and of course her bow! Ha! What a cutie! Can't wait to see the video.
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