Sunday morning Lily woke up with the sniffles... a little cough and a runny nose! We called the doctor and she said there is nothing we could really do... it is just "cootie" season she said! Lily acted fine though, so we went on with our day! Sunday night it got a little worse, so Eric stayed home with Lily yesterday, and she seemed to be feeling a little better! This morning she woke up with a low grade fever, so I didn't want to bring her to work with me, or anywhere for that matter, so I am staying home with her today! Samantha and Judy have my class today!! Thanks so much guys! I owe you big time!! I feel so bad for the little miss!! She is just so pitiful!!! She has slept most of the day, so when she woke up just a little bit ago, she wanted to play! So I know when I don't feel well, I like to make myself look pretty to feel better... so that is what we did with little miss! We put a cute little onesie on and of coarse a big bow! It looks like she feels a million times better!! YEA!!! Love you Baby Girl, and I am glad you are feeling a little better!!! I hate seeing you sick!! Momma loves you!!!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
Even sick my little princess looks beautiful. Ha! I just can't get over her, she is getting bigger each day. She looks so tall in that one pic of her stretching out. Hope she will be well soon.
She is such a cutie. Glad she is feeling better. Love the bow!
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