We gave Lily some more rice cereal tonight... she didn't really love it shall we say! She just kept spitting it out, and fussing when we would try to feed her. I really want her to like it! I know she is just learning how to eat it, but I want her to enjoy it! We will just keep trying... every night!!! The doc said not to mix it with anything sweet... but I really want to. I have read some recs that say to add something sweet and some that say not to! Any mothers out there wanna throw some advice my way... I would greatly appreciate it! Tell me what you did and what worked or what did not! I can read and read, but I wanna know what actually does work and what does not! Thanks so much... but for now... I leave you with some funny pics of the little miss!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
Keep trying. You might even give it a rest after the first few tries...she might just not be ready yet. If you do give it a rest, try again in a few days. She'll get the hang of it! =)
Hey Christy, my girls did so much better when I put it in their bottles. I had one nipple that I enlarged the hole on (you can probably buy them for cereal these days). If they did not take any by the spoon at dinner, I would put a few teaspoons in their bottle at bedtime. It usually filled them up and bought me a little extra sleep before they work up screaming. You'll find what works for Lily pooh!!
I think it is just something new to her and she has to get use to it. She sure looks cute eating, Ha! Love the little bow.
It just takes time. Rylee and Sydney neither one where big fans until we started mixing it with fruit later on. Then they did well. Keep trying you aren't doing anything wrong it is just new to her and they have to learn to eat it. :)
None of my kids liked the rice only the oatmeal. Try mixing it with just a little bit of juice. Sometimes it might be to thick or to thin you kind of have to play with it to get the right consistency.
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