Today was Lily's 4 month check-up! She did great!! The doc said she looked like she was right on track!! She weighs 14 pounds 10 1/2 ounces and she is 24 1/2 inches long.... 75th percentile!!! That is a long way from her old little peanut self in the 20th and 30th percentile. Yea Lily!!! She had to get 2 shots though... it just breaks our hearts to see her get those!! The doc also gave us the ok to start feeding her rice cereal! I was so excited!!! I want to feed her veggies and fruits too, but I guess we are not suppose to do that yet... we shall see!! She has changed so much these past few weeks! She holds her back completely straight up when anyone holds her! She grabs at everything now! Especially my face and my hair! She grabs at my face and tries to put it in her mouth... everything to the mouth! She can push herself up on her belly and really tries to crawl.. not yet though! She loves certain toys and her face lights up when she sees them! No more passy! She won't take it anymore! She loves her little soft blankies... she cuddles up to them all of the time! She smiles all of the time and we just found her tickle spots! Her little chunky upper thighs. she laughs out loud the other day when Amy, Katie and I were playing peekaboo!!! I make these funny noises with my mouth and she just cracks up!!! Lily, we can't believe what a big girl you are! We love you more than words can say!!!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
Wow!! Four months already? Time sure does fly by....she is definitely looking very more little peanut is right..she has come a long way since her premie outfits...You and Eric are doing a great job with Lily....Keep up the hard work on her blog, I love it. Aunt Chrissy
Grammy's Little Angel, how sweet she is, so glad her doctors appointment went well. Can't believe she gained 2 and 1/2 pounds since her last visit, what a BIG GIRL! Still don't see those ears pierced, what are you waiting on Mommy, it won't get any better,just be brave and do it. Ha!
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