We gave Lily some more rice cereal tonight... she didn't really love it shall we say! She just kept spitting it out, and fussing when we would try to feed her. I really want her to like it! I know she is just learning how to eat it, but I want her to enjoy it! We will just keep trying... every night!!! The doc said not to mix it with anything sweet... but I really want to. I have read some recs that say to add something sweet and some that say not to! Any mothers out there wanna throw some advice my way... I would greatly appreciate it! Tell me what you did and what worked or what did not! I can read and read, but I wanna know what actually does work and what does not! Thanks so much... but for now... I leave you with some funny pics of the little miss!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
2nd attempt at rice cereal!
Posted by Christy at 4:38 PM 5 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
Rice Cereal!!!! YUMO!!!
We were so excited to be able to try rice cereal for the first time!!! After her doctor's appt. we went to Publix to get some yummy rice cereal! I wanted to get some cute bowls and stuff, but they didn't have any! I will have to go to Target tomorrow to get some! I don't know what Lily really thought of the cereal! She was totally into the spoon, but she was so funny with the cereal!! Daddy and I took turns feeding her, and she semed to like it, but it just kept coming out of her mouth! I don't really know how much she actually ate, but she was so funny!! It was everywhere! We took her right to the bath when she was done! So cute! We will try again tonight and see what she thinks! I can't believe my little baby is eating rice cereal! Time Flies!!! Love you baby girl!!!!!
Posted by Christy at 5:17 PM 2 comments
4 Month Check-up!
Today was Lily's 4 month check-up! She did great!! The doc said she looked like she was right on track!! She weighs 14 pounds 10 1/2 ounces and she is 24 1/2 inches long.... 75th percentile!!! That is a long way from her old little peanut self in the 20th and 30th percentile. Yea Lily!!! She had to get 2 shots though... it just breaks our hearts to see her get those!! The doc also gave us the ok to start feeding her rice cereal! I was so excited!!! I want to feed her veggies and fruits too, but I guess we are not suppose to do that yet... we shall see!! She has changed so much these past few weeks! She holds her back completely straight up when anyone holds her! She grabs at everything now! Especially my face and my hair! She grabs at my face and tries to put it in her mouth... everything to the mouth! She can push herself up on her belly and really tries to crawl.. not yet though! She loves certain toys and her face lights up when she sees them! No more passy! She won't take it anymore! She loves her little soft blankies... she cuddles up to them all of the time! She smiles all of the time and we just found her tickle spots! Her little chunky upper thighs. she laughs out loud the other day when Amy, Katie and I were playing peekaboo!!! I make these funny noises with my mouth and she just cracks up!!! Lily, we can't believe what a big girl you are! We love you more than words can say!!!
Posted by Christy at 5:00 PM 2 comments
Cutie Patootie!!!!!!!
Last night I was playing with the little missy and snapped these cute pics!! Love that baby so very much!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Christy at 4:48 PM 2 comments
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Sunday Brunch!
This morning we decided to go to brunch. Michelle and Brad and our friend from college Rennie met us at Mimi's Cafe. We had a good brunch, and Lily was so good. She always is when we go out to eat!! I love Lily's first little fall outfit! She is sporting her cute leggings and her new brown bow that my cousin Shannon made for her! My cousin has started a bow making business and she has made a bunch for Lily. They are great and I will post pics of Lily wearing them! If you want to see some more of her bows, or want her to make you some bows, email her at littlemissfancy@ymail.com Thanks Shannon! Love them!!!
Posted by Christy at 9:47 AM 2 comments
Florida State Game!
We went to the FSU game yesterday... it was here in Jacksonville! It was such a beautiful day out, and we had a blast at the game!!! We went with Amy and Ryan and Eric's parents... thanks so much for the tickets we had such a great time!! We got to sit in the Terrace Suites and let me tell you that is the only way to watch football!!! All you can eat and drink... you can sit outside or inside... so nice!!! The Noles came out with a win... and Florida and Miami lost... great day for a nole fan!!! YEA!!! (Sorry Katie and Stan... we know that Gator loss broke you hearts... again... have I mentioned how much we appreciated you watching Lily???) We had a wonder ful day... I didn't bring the camera to the game though... I need a break from that thing once in awhile!!
Posted by Christy at 9:37 AM 2 comments
Stan and Katie!! Babysitters extrordinaire!!
Amy, Ryan, and Eric's parents came to Jacksonville for the Florida State/ Colorado game this weekend!! Katie and Stan so graciously watched our littl princess for us while we went to the game!!! Thanks so much you guys... we appreciate it so very much!!! We love you guys and we know Lily had a great time!!! We can't wait for you guys to have one so we can watch her or him!!!
Posted by Christy at 9:28 AM 1 comments
Preppy Little Thing!!
Friday Granna and Pepe came up to Jacksonville and Granna watched Lily on Friday while I went to work! Wow!! What a huge break it was!!! Of Course I missed the little princess though! We went out to dinner on Friday night and I put Lily in her little preppy tennis Polo outfit! Too cute!!! Thanks so much Granna and Pepe for watching lily! I know she had a blast!!! Lily looks so big in these pictures... so squeezable!!!
Posted by Christy at 9:18 AM 1 comments
I Love My Blankie
The other night we brought out Lily's big blankie... it is just like her little blankies that she snuggles with and loves!! We put her down on it and she rolled around like it was the best thing ever!!! These blankies are so soft, and she loves rubbing her face and body all over it!! Too Sweet!!! Love you baby doll!!!
Posted by Christy at 8:58 AM 1 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Beautiful baby outside!!!
Today I took my camera out to recess and thought I could get a few cute pics of Lil outside! It was an amazing day today! It was so beautiful out!! I love Fall!!!!! I hope everyone is having a great week!!! Lily, you are growing so much and changing everday!!! You are such a big girl!! You love all of the kids in my class and they love you!! I love it when you squeal in delight!!! You are so sweet, and I love it when you snuggle up in our necks!!! You love your soft blankie and the minute you get a hold of it you put it in your mouth!! Everything goes to your mouth! It is too funny!!! I am so excited to go to your doctor's appt. They are gonna give us instructions on feeding ya food!!! More than just formula... yea!!!!! Daddy and I are so excited for that!!! Love you baby girl!!!
Posted by Christy at 4:03 PM 2 comments
Sleeping Lily
Lily was sleeping so soundly in... "uhem"... our bed... we only bring her in our bed when she wakes up at like 4am and we give her a bottle and she falls asleep... and we just leave her in our bed cuz we wouldn't want to wake the wild woman... I mean angel! But I thought she looked so angelic this morning! So I thought I would post some pics!! Lily we love you so much and we can't wait until you sleep through the night... for your sake and ours!!! Love you sweet angel!!!
Posted by Christy at 3:52 PM 2 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2008
My Girls!!!!!
My 2 best friend from college came to meet Lily for the first time this weekend! They have been wanting to come for forever, but it just hasn't worked out!! Keri and Jodi are my 2 best friends from college, we were in the same sorority (Theta!!!), and they were bridesmaids in our wedding... so was I ever so happy for them to meet the Little Missy!!! Keri flew in from Atlanta and Jodi drove in from Tallahassee... we had so much fun!!!! They were in love with Lily, and it was so neat for me to see them with Lily!! They were there from the beginning... when Eric and I met in college... my how things have changed!!! They watched it all happen!! I wish so badly that we all lived in the same area!! I miss them so much!!! We had a great time going out to lunch and shopping... and just hanging out!!! Love you guys so much!!! Can't wait to see ya soon again!!! Thanks for everything, and for loving on Lily!!! We really appreciate you making the trip to see us!!! LOVE YOU!!!!! And Lily, you are such a sweetie... no wonder anyone who meets you just falls in love!!! Love you baby girl!!!
We went to Yogaberry... it is this organic frozen yogurt place at the towncenter... it was so yummy... we let Little Missy try some... she loved it!!!
The girls watching the PI-TI-FUL Seminoles lose!!!
Posted by Christy at 7:36 AM 3 comments