Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Our Wonderful Families

Grammy and Papa Carr (my parents)
Pepe and Granna Lafleur (Eric's parents)
Great Grandma Washer "Gram" (my grandma)

Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Keith (my sister and her husband)

Aunt Ashlie and Uncle Craig (Eric's brother and his wife)
Eric and I
Uncle Ryan and Aunt Amy (Eric's sister and her husband)

Eric and I have such wonderful families... we are so very lucky!! Little miss has so many great people waiting for her!!! There is so much love to go around!!!! Our families are just as excited as we are to welcome Lily!!! We are lucky in that we do not live too far from our parents and siblings. I am sure we will be seeing them a lot!! Lily is so lucky... she is going to have the best grandparents, great grandmas, and aunts and uncles!!! Again, we are all ready for you to get here sweet pea! We love you!!! Here is a sweet thought...
The importance of grandparents in the life of little children is immeasurable.
A young child with the good fortune to have grandparents nearby
benefits in countless ways. It has a place to share its joys, its sorrows, to find sympathetic and patient listeners, to be loved.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

About 3 1/2 more weeks!!!!!

I can't believe it is just 3 1/2 more weeks until my due date!!! It is so crazy! I had a doctors appointment yesterday, and they really didn't tell me anything. I am going once a week now until I deliver, and my doctor said next week they will maybe be able to tell me a little more. Kindergarten graduation is May 22, and my due date is May 26... I hope I can make it to graduation!! I think I will be fine! I am still feeling good, it is just so hard to get comfortable! I am keeping Eric up all night too... I feel so bad! He is being a really good sport about it though!!! He is so helpful!!! The little miss is kicking like crazy!! It is so funny. She definately lets me know if she doesn't like the way I am sitting or laying. It won't be long Lily!!! We are so excited to see you baby girl!!! Here is a cute thought...

The moment a child is born, the mother is also born.
She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never.
A mother is something absolutely new.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Lily's Wardrobe (so far)

Part of Lily's Closet
(you can't really see the whole closet, it goes way back to the right)

Lily's shoe drawer
(I think she is going to take after her Aunt Amy!)

One of my favorite outfits
(from Grammy)
Another one of my favorite outfits for Lilttle Miss
(from Grammy)
It is so much fun having a girl!!! All of the adorable outfits, bows, shoes, and socks are just too cute!!! I will have to dress her in a few outfits a day so she will wear all of her clothes!!! Grammy has just gone crazy!!! (many people have gone crazy already for Lily) Again, thanks so much!!! We have a little less than a month until my due date. Daddy and I are just hanging out and enjoying our last few weekends with just us! We are so excited!!! We already love you so much little miss, and can't wait to hold you and snuggle with you! My belly is continuing to grow... it is so funny! I have a cute little quote book that I have been reading daily, and I am going to post a thought every time I write from now on... so here is the first one...
Dear Little One,
You and I are quietly beginning a relationship of love that will last for the rest of our lives. You are changing daily and so am I, we are being transformed together. I can't wait to see you and hold you. I already love you.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Pictures of Little Miss's room

Daddy reading the directions for the furniture
Daddy, Papa, and Uncle Keith putting together the baby furniture

Daddy Painting

Her Crib

Her Room

Another area of her room

One of the walls in her room

Ok... Here are some pictures of Lily's room... it is hard to see what it really looks like, because I can't get the whole room, or even a whole wall... but you can see it for the most part! I am going to the final class of our childbirth classes tonight... Eric is out of town in Charlotte on business, so I have to go by myself. At least we have made some friends, and I can sit with them! I have to go, so I will write more later! We can't wait for you to get here little miss!!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Getting Closer

Look at the pretty cake and flowers!!

My Mom, sis, me, and Gram Look at all of those presents!!!

We have finally finished Lily's room! It is so cute!!! I love it! I promise I will post pics soon!! I had my final baby shower a couple of weekends ago... it was amazing! My Mom, Gram, and Sister had it for me!! It was at the Cheesecake factory in South Florida!! Everything was so beautiful, and I am so lucky to have such a great family!! I opened so many great presents!!! Lily literally has a complete wardrobe for the first year of her life! (including shoes, socks, and bows!) Again, we are so lucky!! We have everything we could possibly need, and we haven't had to buy barely anything!!! Everyone has been so generous!! Thanks so much Mom, Gram, and Linds for such a wonderful shower!! You are the best!!!
I can't believe she will be here in about 5 weeks! It is so crazy to me... the time has flown by! I feel her moving like crazy! I think she already has a little cheerleader in her! Ha! I wonder when she will come... I wish i knew whether it would be early or late! Of course I hope not too late!!
Daddy and I are so excited to meet you baby girl! Grammy and Papa (my parents), Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Keith (my sis and her husband), Gram (my grandmother) and Granna and Pepe'/ Big Buddy (Eric's parents), Uncle Craig and Aunt Ashlie (Eric's brother and his wife), and Aunt Amy and Uncle Ryan (Eric's sis and her husband) can't wait either!!! You have lots of people eagerly awaiting your arrival!! Everyone is getting more and more excited!!!