On Sunday we slept in and got ready to go to the late service at church. After church, we went to Carrabas... one of our favorites! It was DELICIOUS!!! It poured all day long!! We came home and just hung out and played with Lil! It was nice to just relax and be together! When Lily went to sleep, Eric and Dad watched some movie downstairs, and the girls watched Bride Wars upstairs... it was hilarious! Such a great day! We love you Lily!!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
We had so much fun on our visit for Lily's birthday. It was great getting to go to church with you all and then have lunch at Carabbas,yum and then the afternoon just hanging out because the weather was so rainy and cold playing with the Little Miss. Just being around family makes me happy!
And of course Lily looked adorable as usual in her new tutu and shirt that great grandma got her, such a pretty mint green!
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