Monday, May 25, 2009

The Pungo Strawberry Festival!

We went to the Pungo Strawberry Festival on Saturday! Complete with pig races, pie eating contests, beauty pageants, clogging competitions (Oh Yes), and more!!! It was actually really fun! It was way bigger than what we had expected! It was like out of a movie! There were tons and tons of people there! It was like a hug country fair in a little town! We are not used to things like this, so we thought it was fun! Lily had a great time lounging in her stroller, people watching and waving, and eating lots of junk food! We had cheese fries, frozen lemonade, corn dogs, and strawberries! There was so much more I wanted to get... fried oreos, strawberry shortcake, fried corn on the cob, old fashion sodas, and much more, but I tried to be good!!! We strolled around the fair part and Daddy won Lily a bear throwing darts at balloons. We picked strawberries in the fields, and just had a great day being outside! I love days like this!!! We love you Lily!

Daddy and Lily in front of one of the strawberry fields
People watching

Loving her some cheese fries... hmmm... where does she get that from???

Me of course!!!

Do I even need to say anything??? I HAVE NEVER!!!!
MMMM... corn dog!!!
Win me something good daddy!!

Thank you!

My Fam!

Watching people pick strawberries

Lily loves strawberries

So does daddy!
Daddy picking some strawberries

Mommy eating one!

Ummm... the pig race!!!
Lily walking around


Cheryl said...

Looks like you all had a fun day at the festival. Lily of course looked adorable in her strawberry outfit to match the occasion! Ha! I love fairs and of course the food is the best part. Ha! How much did daddy have to spend to get that little prize for Lily! Ha! What we do for our children. Love and miss you!