Well... we have another new tooth coming in... Wow!!! 2 teeth in a week!! I guess I don't have to worry about her not having any!!! HA! We had another great day! We went to the mall, so I could spend my gift card... I got a lot of great stuff! Papa pushed Lil around while Grammy and I were in the stores! We ate at an Express Cheesecake Factory... and when we left there was more food on the ground than I have ever seen! Papa even got out the broom and swept up! Lily loves to throw the food on the ground!! UH OH!!! She says! She is such a STINKER!! We love ya little stinker!! Tomorrow we go to pick up Great Grammy and Auntie Linds! YEA!!! It is almost the big day!!! A few new things Lil does... points to every tree she sees and says "tree"... says Pepe to Pepe and Papa to Papa... says Uh Oh... Shakes her head no when she doesn't want something... says AWHHH when she gives hugs and kisses... pats her head when we say pat your head.. pats her tummy when we say pat your tummy... claps her hands when we say if your happy and ya know it clap your hands... such a cutie!!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
She is such a little doll, that face is tooo cute, she has got such a cute personality, she cracks me up at her cheesy grin she does now everytime she wants to smile! She is growing so fast, where has the year gone. She gets cuter each day and does something new each day. So happy to be in VA for her 1st birthday!
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