Lily and I picked up Granna and Pepe from the airport on Thursday! Lily was excited to see them!!! They are visiting for the weekend! They thought Lil was so big!!! We always love when they come to visit!!! They brought her birthday gifts, and boy did she have fun opening them!! She did a really good job!!She got a Barbie cd player for her room that even has microphones for her to talk/sing into! She got some really cute outfits and a bathing suit too! And lots of cds and dvds!! She loved it all! Uncle Craig and Aunt Ashlie and Aunt Amy and Uncle Ryan sent their gifts too! Lots of cds and dvds!! So Much Fun!!! She loves to listen to music and dance around!!! Thank you all so much for my great gifts!! I love them!!! I am such a lucky girl!!!!! We really appreciate the great gifts for our angel!! Love ya!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
She looks adorable, I think she is looking more like you now Christy as she is getting older. Wow, Lily is so special to get all those nice presents, a Star in the Making!
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