Monday was Lily's actual birthday! We all woke up and played with Lil all morning! Daddy had to go to Richmond for work, so we decided to go grab a bite to eat before I had to take my fam to the airport. We went to Applebees, cuz Lily loves their grilled cheese and fries, and mini sundae! I can't believe Little Miss was born a year ago!!! I am so lucky to have this sweet angel!!! I am working on a big post to kinda wrap up her first year!! So more on that later! After lunch I had to take my fam to the airport... tear!!! I always hate saying goodbye!! Thanks so much guys for everything!!! I so appreciate all you do for us! Lily already misses you all... and so do I!!! We love you all so very much!!!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
We are very proud to be Lily's grandparents, she is such a joy to be around. Can't wait until the next visit! See you soon Lily! Love you lots!
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