Lily did a great job opening her presents! She got really great gifts!! Thanks so much everyone!!! After presents... we did the cake! We ordered the cake from our cousin Shannon's cake lady (She lives about 2 hours away) and it was amazing!!! Thanks so much for bringing that for us!!! Lily had her own smash cake... and boy did she love her cake!! She didn't dive into it like we thought, but she did get her fingers and face into it! She loves sweets just like her momma!!! (Didn't ya just love her birthday hat and bib... what about her tutu, onesie, and headband... her birthday banner??) The fabulous Amanda made all of Lily's birthday goodies over at . Thanks so much girl! We LOVED it all! And thanks to mom and Gram for getting it all for Lil!!! After cake, we did the pinata! So funny! Kids love candy, and they totally went for it! It was such a great party! Thanks so much everyone for coming!!! Lily really had such a great time! She clapped squealed in delight the entire day!! LOVE YOU SWEET BABY GIRL!!!!!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
The party was a GREAT success, all the kids as well as the adults seemed to have a wonderful, fin time. It is so sweet to see children in action, they are such blessing from the Lord! Glad we were there to share in this special event. Love you Big 1 year old! It just seems like yesterday we were celebrating Christy's birthdays, and still are, every year we are they to have a special time with her, so much fun, parties!
What a great birthday! I am so happy that you liked everything so well! I had so much fun making it all for you! =)
Happy Birthday!
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