It was HOT HOT HOT here this weekend! YEA!!! It was in the 90's on Saturday and Sunday! We got out the blowup pool, and Lily had a blast! We hung out in our backyard and listened to music all day long! (Katie and Stan... you would have been proud!! You know how much we used to love to hang in the back yard! We missed ya!) Lily loves being in the water, and Daddy even got in with her! HA! We had such a fun day! Love you Lily! PS... Lily's new thing is saying Ball... but she says it like this... BAAWWLLL... like a little hick! It is so funny! She also says baby, baba, momma, dadda, and I think book. If I ask her what a ducky says.. she says cack cack cack... and if I ask her what a kitty says she says... meeeeeeeeeeeooowww. She is so stinkin cute if I do say so myself! Love ya baby girl! Glad ya had so much fun in your pool!!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
Soooo cute! Looks like she loves the water, that is good. Love the one with her and daddy both in the pool. Ha!
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