WOW!! We had a GREAT TIME yesterday! Jake Owen is an old college buddy of ours, he was in our wedding, and we haven't seen him in awhile. He was in town touring with Alan Jackson, so we got to spend the day with him!! We met up with him on his bus around noon, and had a great time catching up! He met Lily for the first time, and of course Little Miss entertained the whole band the entire day! They were all so nice to us, and it was so nice to hang out! Eric was so happy to see his old FSU bud! We went to a local pizza place, and had a quick lunch! Later on we went with him to his meet and greet, and got to stand backstage while they got ready to go on. Then we went into the sound booth and watched the show! He puts on an AMAZING show! He is so talented, and we had a great time! Lily loved it! After the show we went back to the bus for a little, then headed home because Lil was ready for bed! She was such a trooper all day long! We love you Lily, and are so glad you had a great time at your first concert!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
Wow! Lily's first exciting. I remember going to FSU and seeing you and going to Potbelly's to see him play. Who would have thought just a few years later you and Eric would be on his tour bus, with your baby!! Crazy! Glad you got to see him and glad he is still such a nice guy. Christy, you look great...that jazzericse is working!
Jake Owen groupies! Ha! He is so great, such a nice guy and wow what a day, it was so nice he spent the day with you all. The pics are so good, Lily will always remember by these pics that Jake Owen (mommy and daddy's friend) was her 1st concert. Wish I could have been there, love him! He is such a cute guy. You all looked Great, can't wait to see you, 3 more weeks!
Lily is such a cutiepie.. she is gettn sooo big! well im glad she had fun at her first concert that must have been soo exciting.. well i cant wait too see you all. i hope it will be soon!
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