After we opened up the Easter baskets and goodies, we all went and got ready for church! Lily looked so beautiful! And of course we had a photo shoot! She looked like a little princess! She did great at church, and after church we went to a delicious Easter brunch and the Swan Terrace at the Founders Inn. (Thanks Granna and Pepe!) It was so nice! So much food! The Easter Bunny came around, and Lily loved it again! She is not scared at all!! She ate some yummy mac n cheese, potatos, and chicken nuggets! (And of course she had some peach cobbler, whipped cream, and coconut cake for dessert!) We had a wonderful Easter day! It was beautiful... not a cloud in the sky... but it was cold! It was in the 40's! We are so thankful that we have a Saviour who died on the cross and rose again on the 3rd day! He Lives! Hope for all!! Happy Easter! Love you Lily!!!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
Oh my, what beautiful pictures, Lily truley looked like a princess, and you all looked so pretty and the men handsome of course. Ha! I want to cry, she looks so beautiful, my little Miss is getting big, she is absolutely adorable, can't get over her, so wish I could have been there but these pictures are GREAT! Love you!
Glad it was a Great Easter! We have hope because Jesus lives!
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