Little Missy is going to be a year old soon! I can't believe it!!! Don't tell Lily... but I just picked up some very exciting birthday presents that my mom and dad, gram, and sis and her hubby sent for Lil's birthday! I will post lots of pics later, but I wanted to say a quick Thank you very much! I am so excited to see her play with all of this great stuff! She got a little swing set, a ball pit, a playhouse (cozy cottage), and a really cool pink car that she can ride in! Great outdoor fun!!! She is such a big girl, and I can't believe she will be playing with all of these "big girl" toys! They will be here for her bday party later on in May, but thanks so much for sending her gifts! I know she will LOVE them all!!! Love you!!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
oh my goodness, i cant belive she's turning one! that must be so exciting, i hope she enjoys all of her presents and has the best first birthday ever. she is such a cutie pie and i cant wait too see her i hope its soon!
Glad you got all the gifts, can't wait for the party, only 2 more weeks! yey Can't believe she is going to be 1, she gets more precious each day! Love ya Lily!
Love the birthday invite! Soooo cute..and lily looks like such a big girl! I can't believe she is turning 1!!! Can't wait to see you guys soon!!! :)
Love you!!
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